Saturday, 18 January 2014

Currently reading

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

One of the way to gain and expand our knowledge is through reading. Keeping youself sufficient with ideas and vocabulary. Maybe we won't realize the effect of our reading directly. But when we start to speak, write and share with others, then you will realize that it is worth the time you have spent.

Halal, Malaysia is one of world's country which ia well-known with its Halal industries. Moving towards becoming world Halal hub,  Malaysian people had the increment of awareness towards understanding Halal principle. But, personally I think that Malaysia are still lacking in providing people with structured knowledge in terms of books, articles and other pertaining on Halal matters.

However, there is one book which I am starting to love reading it. By reading this book, my first opinion on lacking of material had been twisted a bit. Coming to my mind is that, we have a lot of good material. But how much the materials can be use by normal people. The book is known as "Halal: All that you need to know volume 1". It's actually a compilation of papers regarding on Halal matters in Malaysia.

(Published by Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia: Article by: INHART,IIUM)

Regardless of the appearance of the book, by only reading first few chapters makes me feel anxious on waiting for the second volume. Hehe

That's all for now...


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