Tuesday 1 June 2021

Gambar seribu makna

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Fasa ini adalah fasa yang mencabar buat semua. Fasa yang memerlukan kita bertahan dengan pelbagai cara tidak kira secara fizikal, mental mahupun emosi. Memerangi sesuatu yang tidak nampak. Garis panduan yang terasa mengongkong dan menyekat kita daripada menjalani kehidupan seperti yang kita lalui sebelum sebelum ini. 

Fasa kelangsungan ini bukan hanya untuk memastikan keperluan diri dipenuhi, malah kelangsungan orang yang berada di sekeliling kita terutamanya ahli keluarga terdekat dan sanak saudara. Jika retak dan koyak jiwa, pasti akan membawa kesan yang buruk terhadap diri dan orang di sekitar kita. 

Bersabarlah dan carilah sesuatu yang mudah namun mampu membuatkan kita tersenyum. Carilah walaupun ianya sesuatu yang mudah yang boleh membuatkan kita kembali waras dan fokus akan perjuangan untuk bertahan dalam fasa pandemik ini. Carilah suatu kegembiraan agar jiwa kita tetap positif. 

Setiap dugaan itu hanya diberikan kepada kita sesuai dengan kemampuan kita. 

Setiap kita harus mengintai dengan penuh kecomelan kerana disebalik kesusahan itu hiasilah dengan senyuman. hehe

Friday 12 May 2017


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Selawat dan salam buat Nabi junjungan, Rasulullah s.a.w, para sahabat dan kaum keluarga baginda. 

Setiap orang pasti mendepani pelbagai cabaran dalam kehidupan. Yakinlah setiap ujian itu mengandungi 1001 hikmah yang nampak dan tidak nampak. Dan setiap ujian yang dilalui kita dalam kehidupan seharian adalah sesuai dengan kemampuan diri kita sendiri. 

Apakah yang anda lalui dan depani hari ini? Soal kerja? Soal keluarga? Soal wang? Soal masa depan yang tidak pasti? Kegelisahan ini harus dilalui dengan bijak dan penuh waspada. Berhadapan dengan masalah bagi diriku adalah salah satu cara untuk lebih mengenali diri dan memperbaiki pilihan yang kita ada. Melalui jalan usaha terlibat dalam perniagaan dan menjalankan perniagaan berasaskan soya dan tauge bukanlah suatu yang mudah. Adakah sebab minat usaha ini diteruskan? Tidak sepenuhnya. Usaha menjalankan perniagaan berasaskan Soya dan tauge merupakan usaha yang menuntut kesabaran yang tinggi. Mengapa? Bukan kerana tidak mendapat sambutan, namun kerana bidang ini asing dan susah untuk diperoleh maklumat mengenainya. 

Sepanjang diriku mengusahakan perniagaan ini, yang pertama, pastinya mereka tidak menjangka usaha ini mampu dilakukan secara berterusan dari tahun ke tahun. Kini, diriku sudah menjengah ke tahun yang ketiga. Masih mampu berdiri dan masih berniat untuk meneruskan secara konsisten. Masuk tahun yang kedua untuk perniagaan berasaskan soya iaitu Tauhu, Taufufa dan Air Soya. Seperti tauge, pembuatan ketiga-tiga produk berasaskan soya ini juga jarang-jarang kedengaran kesanggupan orang Islam untuk mengusahakannya. Kenapa tidak? Apa jua bidang dalam bidang perniagaan tidak terhad kepada latar belakang bangsa mahupun agama. :)

Air tangan sendiri...batch awal penghasilan

Diriku masih mahu melangkah lebih jauh lagi...terlalu banyak yang perlu dipelajari dan terlalu banyak ruang yang harus dan terus untuk diperbaiki. Cabaran bukan hanya kerana tidak mampu memperoleh maklumat yang banyak, namun kesukaran untuk mengamalkan dan melaksanakan ilmu yang diriku ada juga adalah satu cabaran yang besar. Ramai yang bertanya untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu penghasilan produk berasaskan soya dan tauge. Namun, ramai jua yang terpaksa ditolak permintaanya buat masa ini. InsyaAllah satu hari nanti ilmu ini pasti diperturunkan untuk dimanfaatkan. 

Cabaran itu memeningkan...namun kerana adanya cabaran dalam hidup kita perlu lebih berusaha untuk menjadi yang lebih baik. 

"Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi"


Thursday 11 May 2017

Obsession Vs Passion Part 2

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Have you figured out your own passion or your own obsession? I guess my obsession and passion is now shifting towards common topic which is FOOD. No..no..no... don't get me wrong...I am not someone who easily craved over foods only by smelling or passing one supermarket or restaurants. Or going around to find delicious foods.

I have developed special feeling of learning about food and drinks since my family opens up a bakery in Miri, Sarawak. I always thinks that family first, and that's why I have been choosing food over insects which I adored since a long time ago. 

That decision was made when I need to choose between three concentrations or some universities named it as majoring. Where students will be more focused on subjects related to their concentration. Decision was made! without any hesitation I choose Food path. A lot of our seniors told us that this path is a hard path since the subjects are more challenging than the others. Owh well..challenge was taken. :) I guess during our year was almost balance between Food and Environment classes. Learning the technical part of food was tough but that really helps me in this future. After graduate I again pursue on taking a program named Halal Executive program which expose on the Islamic law and technical aspect regarding on food industry. With these two, after deciding on pursuing my passion, I have an almost a complete set of basic knowledge. 

Growing up passion is not an easy thing. Turning passion into an occupation is not an easy task. You have to bear with what ever decision you have made since it is your passion. The sense of responsibility to keep on going is a hard work. I enjoy my study life up to the point that I actually does not have anything on how should I handle my life after university. Pursuing with studies? Working with bakery? or Working with someone else? I go with the flow...;)

Now my passion and goal is my own food and beverages based business. It is not only mere business to me...it is also growing my passion more not only for my own benefit, but also towards others. Self-satisfaction? Yes, I am pursuing towards that since I hope that I can integrate what ever I have learn during these years. I guess that's all for now...

I remembered one phrase told by our Prophet s.a.w:

"The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind." [Daraqutni, Hasan]
(Taken from: http://sunnahonline.com/library/purification-of-the-soul/194-best-of-the-best-the)

Beans of my life...;)


"Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi"


Sunday 23 April 2017

Obsession Vs Passion

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

All praise to Allah that allows me back to write and share. I should apologize on my 'broken-ness' since its been a while I didn't write in English. Well, practice makes perfect right?

Obsession Vs Passion

which one do you choose? or you are not choosing any of these two in your life...I was once obsessed with anything to do with insects. way back my primary and secondary school life. It is fun as everyone in my surrounding knows and some kind contribute to my on going obsession. I am not only obsessed to collect related items especially those with ladybugs on it, I also once cried because of a dead grasshopper and give it a proper bury. In secondary school, I put in my obsession through English presentations where I get to choose what ever topic that I like. Up to the par that a friend in my class asked: "Why do you like Insects?" Well, I didn't really remember my answer to him...but I will answer that again now...It was my obsession...=) 

The obsession starts when I have an eye to a wooden ladybug sold in one of the shops in Miri. It is a gift shop where my parents when there to search for my sister's birthday present. I have a habit of eyeing things that I like and hold it inside my heart for a long long time. I don't really like to ask my parent to buy them for me. I feel enough just by eyeing on it. But one day, after school when I am in grade two, as went in the car, my father hand me something that I didn't expect at all. He gave me the WOODEN LADYBUG that I was eyeing before and my name was written on it by him. T.T I guess that's where it started. Then, as time goes I started to make a reading about insect. My first book of Insect has similar story with the wooden ladybug. Eyeing the book..carrying it around the bookshop...reading and going to the bookshelves every time we went there. I feel that the book is too expensive and keep it silent. I guess my intention of having the book was caught by my mother. That was also after school but at my home. I think she went back from town area for meeting. I accidentally take a peak in her bag. I was super excited of seeing book named INSECT inside her bag. But I don't dare to take it out before she says anything. She knows that I saw the book but silently watched my reaction. T.T  

One of my biggest obsession towards insect is Ladybug

 I'm glad of having this obsession in my life. I was once having a dream to be an Entomologist. I know that somehow that path would make my parents worry about me since it will be full of expedition and field sampling, so I guess I gave that dream easily for them. Learning and proceeding with obsession is not necessarily that we against everyone just to get it. I am now having collections of books with various topics of insects. But I ended up giving up my obsessions for my passion. 

What is my passion? I will share them with you in my next post

"Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi"


Saturday 22 April 2017


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dan segala yang berada diantaranya...

Evolusi merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang terdapat dalam subjek semasa diriku berada di alam universiti. Jika diikutkan, setiap matapelajaran sains mempunyai bahagian yang menerangkan dan mengaitkan tentang evolusi dan kesannya kepada segala makhluk, tidak kira haiwan mahupun tumbuhan dari zaman dahulu hingga kini. Namun, berada di universiti Islam, memberikan satu cahaya baru tentang evolusi. Teringat semasa salah satu kuliah, dalam matapelajaran mikrobiologi. Sebaik sahaja tiba ke bahagian evolusi, pensyarah ku berkata; "Mari kita bergerak ke bahagian lain, kerana bahagian ini tidak penting untuk kita pelajari kerana ianya (evolusi) adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia."

Evolusi yang ku fahami jika mengikut prinsip Barat, evolusi adalah proses perubahan benda hidup dari segi fizikal mahupun dari segi interaksi antara satu benda hidup yang lain untuk mencapai suatu yang lebih baik. Kerana itu, imej evolusi mereka adalah manusia berasal daripada monyet dan berubah dengan waktu sehingga menjadi manusia yang dilihat kini. Adakah kita mahu menerima ataupun tidak? Konsep "siapa yang kuat dialah yang akan terus hidup" juga berkait rapat dengan konsep evolusi barat. Namun, evolusi hanyalah sekadar teori yang tidak mempunyai bukti yang menyokong.  Dalam Islam bagaimana pula? 

“Sungguh, Kami telah Menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya”
(At-Tin 4)
Inilah yang disebutkan di dalam Al-Quran tentang kedudukan manusia berbanding dengan ciptaan Allah yang lain. Setiap yang diciptakan oleh Allah Taala tidak kira dilihat sebagai lemah mahupun kuat, setiap satunya mempunyai seribu satu sebab mengapa ia diciptakan. 
Gambar ihsan Mr Google..hehe
Evolusi berlaku dalam kehidupan kita, tapi bukanlah bermaksud setiap kita berubah dari kera, monyet, mawas dan yang sama waktu dengannya. Tapi evolusi dari segi perubahan kita memperbaiki diri. Jom! evolusikan diri kita ke arah redah-Nya...

Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi


Tuesday 23 February 2016


In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Learning is an ongoing process where we have started doing it for since we were born. Going to school is one of the most process. Not going to school is also one of the process. I have been away of formal schooling age. Missing my schooling time? Of course...I enjoyed learning through system and watching my friends pursuing their studies way up to higher education is something that I envied. But after going the process of life (haha)... I don't think that I have my friends' courage in going on and on with formal education...rather I have think I prefer learning informallyin what ever field that I like.

Being in this position, I think I found my passion that keeps me motivated in learning. Its ok for not achieving and gaining scrolls or having good marks or getting appraisal from supervisors... I am happy that I learn and improve in what I love most now. Finding my path in Food production specifically bean sprout and soybean's by-product is a blessed. Looking of satisfaction in our customer's eye enjoying our food and drinks is a pleasure. Learn...learn and learn for better quality is one way of self-satisfaction then other's palate and stomach satisfaction. Hehe

Doesn't mean that I am not schooling means I have stopped from learning. I enjoy the process of 'self-schooling' or maybe I can say it as learning from experience...:) if anyone says that I have wasted 6 years for studying Biotechnology and 6 months of theory and practical training as Halal Executive...than you are not totally wrong! All of these are my road towards finding my passion...♡

I guess i have to stop for now...my soymilk for tofu making is almost ready...till we meet again...:D

"Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi..."


Friday 7 February 2014

Tofu is simply amazing!

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful



I'm back from taking short break from writing. I was morally down due to my post on tofu had somehow deleted due to unknown reason. But today, tofu had once again burning up my desire to share. Tofu is simply amazing! I was simply motivated by few cubes of fried tofu. While preparing lunch in the kitchen, I realized that there are a bowl of fried tofu. Yummy...I just can't stop my hand from taking some. Eating with anything that I wished to. Eating it plainly. with soy sauce, and I even tried with mayonaise. Hehe. Let's back to business...

Tofu, also known as 'tauhu' in Bahasa Malaysia is one of my long lasting cravings. And tofu is the craves that make me go up to the extend that I need to try to make my own tofu. My journey with tofu had started two to three years back. Before that, my family and I had stop to buy and eat tofu for quite sometimes. When it comes to tofu, less critical on the religious aspect of Halal issue. But more to the hygiene and cleanliness part of the process since tofu are made from plant and minerals. There are a lot of stories which will make us refuse to buy and consume tofu at that time. Due to the whole family cravings, my aunt had proposed at me, why not trying to produce our own tofu and supply to our family members. Lightbulb! Since I like to eat tofu and the whole family also loves tofu, why not trying?

Then, I started to search on the process and the materials that I needed to complete the process. I had never imagined myself learning to make tofu, but seriously...it was fun and interesting. The easiest information that I can get is from watching youtube videos on how to make tofu and searching through the internet on articles how to make homemade tofu. I remembered at that time the information was very limited. There's no where and no one that I can ask personally. Then I start to summarize the information and trying to gain my material before I get started.

In tofu making, there are few important aspects that we need to look at:
1. Tofu mold
2. Type of coagulant
3. Temperature control for coagulation
4. Tofu press
5. Tofu shelf-life

Before I share on my personal experience on each of the aspects, let's have an overview of tofu making:

Tofu is a do-able experiment which is worth the sweat and time. Enjoying the final outcome is the best experience. I will be continuing on the important aspects of tofu and the process of tofu making in my future post. Insya-Allah (God's willing)...

One of my earliest successful batch of tofu...(^^,)

This is all for now...
