Sunday, 23 April 2017

Obsession Vs Passion

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

All praise to Allah that allows me back to write and share. I should apologize on my 'broken-ness' since its been a while I didn't write in English. Well, practice makes perfect right?

Obsession Vs Passion

which one do you choose? or you are not choosing any of these two in your life...I was once obsessed with anything to do with insects. way back my primary and secondary school life. It is fun as everyone in my surrounding knows and some kind contribute to my on going obsession. I am not only obsessed to collect related items especially those with ladybugs on it, I also once cried because of a dead grasshopper and give it a proper bury. In secondary school, I put in my obsession through English presentations where I get to choose what ever topic that I like. Up to the par that a friend in my class asked: "Why do you like Insects?" Well, I didn't really remember my answer to him...but I will answer that again now...It was my obsession...=) 

The obsession starts when I have an eye to a wooden ladybug sold in one of the shops in Miri. It is a gift shop where my parents when there to search for my sister's birthday present. I have a habit of eyeing things that I like and hold it inside my heart for a long long time. I don't really like to ask my parent to buy them for me. I feel enough just by eyeing on it. But one day, after school when I am in grade two, as went in the car, my father hand me something that I didn't expect at all. He gave me the WOODEN LADYBUG that I was eyeing before and my name was written on it by him. T.T I guess that's where it started. Then, as time goes I started to make a reading about insect. My first book of Insect has similar story with the wooden ladybug. Eyeing the book..carrying it around the bookshop...reading and going to the bookshelves every time we went there. I feel that the book is too expensive and keep it silent. I guess my intention of having the book was caught by my mother. That was also after school but at my home. I think she went back from town area for meeting. I accidentally take a peak in her bag. I was super excited of seeing book named INSECT inside her bag. But I don't dare to take it out before she says anything. She knows that I saw the book but silently watched my reaction. T.T  

One of my biggest obsession towards insect is Ladybug

 I'm glad of having this obsession in my life. I was once having a dream to be an Entomologist. I know that somehow that path would make my parents worry about me since it will be full of expedition and field sampling, so I guess I gave that dream easily for them. Learning and proceeding with obsession is not necessarily that we against everyone just to get it. I am now having collections of books with various topics of insects. But I ended up giving up my obsessions for my passion. 

What is my passion? I will share them with you in my next post

"Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi"


Saturday, 22 April 2017


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dan segala yang berada diantaranya...

Evolusi merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang terdapat dalam subjek semasa diriku berada di alam universiti. Jika diikutkan, setiap matapelajaran sains mempunyai bahagian yang menerangkan dan mengaitkan tentang evolusi dan kesannya kepada segala makhluk, tidak kira haiwan mahupun tumbuhan dari zaman dahulu hingga kini. Namun, berada di universiti Islam, memberikan satu cahaya baru tentang evolusi. Teringat semasa salah satu kuliah, dalam matapelajaran mikrobiologi. Sebaik sahaja tiba ke bahagian evolusi, pensyarah ku berkata; "Mari kita bergerak ke bahagian lain, kerana bahagian ini tidak penting untuk kita pelajari kerana ianya (evolusi) adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia."

Evolusi yang ku fahami jika mengikut prinsip Barat, evolusi adalah proses perubahan benda hidup dari segi fizikal mahupun dari segi interaksi antara satu benda hidup yang lain untuk mencapai suatu yang lebih baik. Kerana itu, imej evolusi mereka adalah manusia berasal daripada monyet dan berubah dengan waktu sehingga menjadi manusia yang dilihat kini. Adakah kita mahu menerima ataupun tidak? Konsep "siapa yang kuat dialah yang akan terus hidup" juga berkait rapat dengan konsep evolusi barat. Namun, evolusi hanyalah sekadar teori yang tidak mempunyai bukti yang menyokong.  Dalam Islam bagaimana pula? 

“Sungguh, Kami telah Menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya”
(At-Tin 4)
Inilah yang disebutkan di dalam Al-Quran tentang kedudukan manusia berbanding dengan ciptaan Allah yang lain. Setiap yang diciptakan oleh Allah Taala tidak kira dilihat sebagai lemah mahupun kuat, setiap satunya mempunyai seribu satu sebab mengapa ia diciptakan. 
Gambar ihsan Mr Google..hehe
Evolusi berlaku dalam kehidupan kita, tapi bukanlah bermaksud setiap kita berubah dari kera, monyet, mawas dan yang sama waktu dengannya. Tapi evolusi dari segi perubahan kita memperbaiki diri. Jom! evolusikan diri kita ke arah redah-Nya...

Jadilah perindu dan pengejar redha Ilahi
